Sleep suffocation called apnea

Is sleep suffocating you? (“Choking” during sleep) Maintain oxygen levels by continued breathing To…

Belangrike feite oor obstruktiewe slaapapnee

Dit is een van die mees algemene slaapsteurnisse ter wêreld en een van die…

Can Being Overweight Cause Sleep Apnea?

Among sleep apnea types, obstructive sleep apnea is the most common. Disruptive breathing occurs…

Can a Deviated Septum Cause Sleep Apnea?

Apnea means ceasing to breathe. In Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), throat muscles relax too…

“WHAT” and “WHY” of medical oxygen concentrator needs and supply

Like all medical equipment the needs of the patient for medical oxygen must be…

Die krag en belangrikheid van slaap (deel 2)

Hierdie artikel is oorspronklik geskryf vir kragdag en word hier met toestemming van die…

Die krag en belangrikheid van slaap (deel 1)

Hierdie artikel is een van ‘n reeks van twee wat oorspronklik geskryf is vir…

Sleep better AND lose weight!

Sleeping challenges Several published research results (see references below) now confirm that good sleep…

Get enough oxygen always – for better health !

Here we add info about solutions to get good restful deep sleep and improve…

Sleep apnea – it’s important to get relief!

Do you snore loudly?  Are you often tired during the day? Does your partner…